Data Security

Firms must take special care of their customers’ data




Customers routinely trust firms with critical personal data; if this information falls into criminal hands, fraudsters can attempt to undertake transactions in the customer’s name. To this end, Firms must take special care of their customer’s data.
They must be alert to the risks associated with holding customer data. Also, they must have in place written policies and procedures which are proportionate, accurate, up to date and relevant to the day-to-day work of staff.

At Leifs&Williams we can help you get your head around what such policies and procedures should be and how to implement them.
Our expert will guide you through the following.


An in-depth analysis of the risk associated with holding customer data and the elements of an effective data security policy and procedures.
We will assess and advise on best practice to make sure that such a policy is proportionate, accurate, and relevant.


A thorough, in-depth analysis of your systems and controls to ascertain their effectiveness of minimizing the risk of operation and information assets falling into the hands of fraudsters.
And whether or not Internal procedures such as IT controls and physical security measures are designed to protect against unauthorized access to customer data.