Fraud Prevention

Fraud affects all companies and society as a whole; to this end, all firms should protect themselves and their customers from fraud, effective fraud prevention


Fraud affects all companies and society as a whole; to this end, all firms should protect themselves and their customers from fraud. An effective Fraud Prevention, detection and risk management strategy is critical to enabling this.
There are a variety of ways in which firm can protect themselves, however, they are often left walking the treadmill of knowing what elements of fraud is specific to their function, products and services. Others are indecisive on whether or not they should focus on fraud prevention or detection strategies or even both

At Leifs&Williams, we enable our clients to see and consider the full implications of fraud risks which could impact reputation, customers and the markets in which they operate.
Our expert will overhaul your current Fraud Risk Management Framework, policies and procedures, paying due diligence to, but not limited to, the following.
• Management oversight
• Risk assessment
• Fraud data
• Controls on the ground

Our expert will work with you through every process, enabling you to understand better what areas of the firm are most vulnerable to fraudsters and advise on remedial action of defence. We will leave no stone unturned, and our aim is to provide tailored practical and useful advice, on a framework for managing the business risk of fraud.


Mortgage Fraud

Mortgaging or mortgage is a crucial product in many financial institutions, and it is a product that is very vulnerable to various types of fraud schemes. Fraudsters are attracted to this product, because, often there are many players involved in the application process, thus providing many channels via which fraud can be committed.

Because of this, it is sometimes easy to circumvent controls, hide behind false identities, or collude with individuals to commit Fraud.
Our experts will work closely with you to assess whether or not your system and controls to detect and prevent mortgage fraud is coordinated across the firm. And whether resources are targeted and effective.

We provide advise on how to identify, address and contain the risk posed by corrupt conveyancers, brokers and valuers. And, will walk you through the nuts and bolts on the benefits of cross-industry information sharing. We cover the hot spots of fraud in its entirety.

• Mortgage fraud -intermediaries
• Enforcement against mortgage brokers
• Investment fraud

At Leifs&Williams, we provide a catalogue of Fraud courses that will effectively enhance your team’s capabilities in identifying and stopping fraud and deception.
Although often used or referred to in the same breath, Fraud Prevention and Fraud Detection are two completely different concepts, that are often miss-understood. Our courses lend clarity to this concept, allowing us to tailor to the specific.
We will carefully analyse your requirements and training needs and tailor a package to suit.
Training can be delivered in-house saving you precious time and travel cost, or at a location that suits your needs
Below is a list of our most requested courses

Fraud risk management

Fraud affects all companies and society as a whole. Learn about the most common types of fraud schemes and their implications from the macro and micro perspective. These courses are suitable for both private companies and the public sector.

Full day course

Course details

Fraud prevention

Find out what you should do to safeguard your business from fraud. Understand more about management’s obligations to prevent fraud and efficient controls to assist you.

Course details

Contract and procurement fraud

Discover the complex character in this type of fraud and master the strategies essential to recognise and stop it.

Course details

Performing internal investigations

From your first knowledge of an allegation to giving evidence as a witness, this program will get you prepared for each step of your internal investigation of fraud.

Course details

For more details on our full catalog of  fraud prevention, detection, and management, courses contact [email protected]